Sunday, March 23, 2008

Happy Easter!!

Okay..... I'm gonna do a little survey here. Let me preface by saying that I LOVE my baby boy's happy face! However, I prefer picture #1. I have this great camera (thanks to my employers), and I have the option of using my flash. I prefer not to. I think that the picture looks more natural without the flash and the colors are better. However, the camera does not allow ANY movement when not using the flash, and when Gage smiles, he giggles and moves A LOT...are you keeping up with me here? :) So, it is either a smiley picture with flash or somber (still) picture without flash. What do you think?!?!?! And does anyone out there have any photography advise (except to buy a more expensive camera!)?!?!

Hayes Update

Whew... I finally got a post on there to announce his birth and request prayer, and I already have an update! Theresa called earlier today and said the ventilator is out, and she was able to feed him! Yay!! I can't WAIT to see him sans...tubes and at home!!

Jaxson Hayes Golden

After a rough pregnancy, having been enduring contractions since December, my sister in law,Theresa had her third boy Tuesday, March 18th! Hayes was 6 lbs 8 oz, 19 inches long (a big guy for 35 weeks)! He is in the NICU with some respiratory problems. They had to put him on a ventilator early yesterday, but are hoping they can take that out soon-maybe even today. He is SOOOOOOOOOOOOO cute with LOTS of hair (surprisingly since Xander and Cade were baldies, as well as Gage:)!! Here are a couple of shots I took last night, visiting with him. Doesn't Mommy look great too?!?! Please keep him in your prayers...Theresa too!! I remember all too clearly how painful it is to leave your baby in the hospital-pray for strength for her and Shane, as they have the added responsibilty of caring for two other children at home! We are hopeful that Hayes will be home very soon!!

Saturday, March 01, 2008

Veeeerrrrrry belated Valentines Day...

Gage had his six month well-checkup yesterday (it was postponed, because he had an ear infection last time, so they wouldn't give him his immunizations). Anyway, he is doing very well-right where he should be-maybe a tad on the "big" side. He is in the 70th percentile for weight and 90th for height-go figure! I think he is going to be a tall one, an attribute for which his father will be extremely grateful!
He is sitting up on his own, eating solid foods, laughing, and smiling constantly. His vision and hearing seem to be terrific too!
I am so thankful for such a happy, healthy little blessing. It takes all of two seconds to snap a picture like this. He is amazing!