Gage finally had his one year well check up (now that he is fifteen months), and it turned out he wasn't "well." The doctor saw fluid on both ears, so he refused to give him his immunizations (the second unsuccessful well visit and refusal to administer shots), but instead handed over yet another prescription for an ear infection, and he also referred us to an ENT in Greenville, because of Gage's recurring ear infections (he has had more than six in the past year).
The appointment with the ear specialist was this morning (a grueling two hour wait to see the doctor for a thirty second peak in his ears), where they determined that Gage needs to have tubes (sort of what we were anticipating). His surgery is scheduled for Wednesday morning at 7:30am. I know it is a simple procedure-he will have local anesthesia, and will be out of my arms for only 5-10 minutes (doctor's promise), but please pray for my little guy! I hate to see him in ANY discomfort of any kind...and simply not being able to have his MILK until after his procedure is over will be pain enough!
Hopefully this will end the ear infections once and for all!!
And by the way, his stats are as follows:
Height 32 inches (95th percentile)
Weight 27 lbs 8 oz (90th percentile)
Can you believe he was born EIGHT weeks early?!?!
He is a healthy, happy, thriving little man who has stolen his mommy's heart! We are hoping he starts talking soon. He hasn't said any actual words yet, and the doctors have said that the recurring ear infections could have something to do with that... I'm not too worried--I have a feeling that once he starts, he won't stop...
Before... (9/2007)

...and after! (9/2008)