For the past week, I have been constantly remembering back to a year ago. On June 26 of last year, I was transfered via ambulance to a hospital with a NICU capable of handling a baby so early, because my water broke at 31 weeks, and the only option was to deliver. I was scared to death that my precious baby was going to be born "too" early. The ultrasound showed that he was about 3 lbs. Doctors were very concerned about his lungs, so they pumped me full of steroids to help them develop more quickly. And then for the next six days, I lay in the hospital bed, allowing him time to grow, as doctors watched closely for signs of infection or irregular heartbeat.
On July 1 (exactly a year ago today), at about 10pm, I started noticing a tenderness in my stomach that the doctors were concerned could be an infection, since I was much more susceptible to infection without sufficient water around the baby as protection.
Early the next morning, after an exhausting c-section at 2:45am, I burst into tears as I heard the doctor say "he has baby fat!", and I heard that loud cry, his first noise--a sound I will never forget as long as I live.
I had prepared myself (as well as I knew how) to hear no baby sounds as doctors hurriedly allotted me a quick glance at my silent baby and rushed him away shoving tubes and needles in him. So I cannot begin to explain the joy I felt when I heard him crying so loudly, saw doctors smiling (obviously relieved that he was not as tiny or dependent as expected), and watched as Josh took him in his arms and brought him to me, and I will never forget that first kiss when Josh brought him close enough for my lips to brush his.
Gage was a whopping 4lbs 5oz, he had very slight breathing complications, but improved quickly, and though the doctors anticipated his hospital stay would be every bit of six weeks, he came home eleven days after he was born. God is so good!
I am convinced that this world is a better place because Gage is in it. To know this little man is to love him. He is a gift, and I cannot imagine life without him.
Tomorrow, he will be one year old, and this has been the best year of my life! I will be forever grateful because of this miracle with whom God chose to bless us!