Gage had a bit of a runny nose I was blaming on new teeth on Sunday. On Monday, he woke up with a full blown cold, yucky nose, cough-the whole nine yards. By early afternoon, he was wheezing pretty badly, so I called his doctor and they got him in immediately.
He had to have a breathing treatment, for which he was ANGELIC, to my surprise. They insisted on consistent nebulizer treatments every three hours all day and through the night and another appointment today to make sure he is progressing. I woke him up every three hours last night, and he was SO perfect every time. He never fusses at the mask-he just sits in my lap, rather mesmerized by the whole experience. Bless his heart.
Wow, what an ordeal! praise the Lord you both have good attitudes about the breathing treatment. How much longer will he have to be on it?
I only WISH Elijah was like that during his breathing treatments (which we haven't had to give him in a while - PTL!) Poor little guy - hopefully Gage will start feeling better soon - *HUGS*
Give gage xoxox from his Michigan fans!
Poor sweetie! I'll be praying for him!
Bless his heart AND yours! I absolutely HATE it when my kids are sick! So far Megan hasn't been sick yet so I'm very thankful for that, but Aaron has had his share and it is so not fun! Hope your little guy is on the road to recovery soon! That's so great that he doesn't mind the breathing treatments! What a trooper! Hang in there too Mommy!
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