Friday, August 22, 2008


Well, it is certainly easier traveling WITH my husband. Gage slept through two of the three flights to Idaho (he was awake for the LONG three hr flight), and he didn't sleep for even a moment on any of the three flights home, but he did sleep through both layovers in his stroller. However, considering he IS only one, he did great! The very last flight was rough, but that WAS his tenth flight in the past three weeks, and it was only an hour of fussiness (and "some" screaming)... All in all, I can't complain.

Our visit was SO fun! Aaron and Selena just finished building a beautiful house! They were GREAT hosts, and took us to see all the "sites" in the area, and there were A LOT of beautiful ones! Claire is absolutely gorgeous, and it was certainly a pleasure to meet her (Gage especially thought so)! He learned to "love on" her quite easily and frequently.
Shoshone Falls-the "Niagra"
of the West-awesome!

Can you find Josh and Gage?

Evan, Rese, and me
Rese was glued to me, and Evan was glued to Josh, and we loved every second of that! Josh and I respect so much the way these children are being reared. They are SO well behaved, and that says a lot for their parents! Kudos, Aaron and Selena!
A surprisingly successful pic of the kids.

Gage was mesmerized by every "site." One evening we went to the races, but Gage made it all of five minutes, and the noise started to scare him, so Selena and I got our money back and went home to watch a movie (though we both fell asleep before the movie was playing five minutes, as a result of the exhaustion of motherhood:)--it WAS only 9pm!

I didn't take a TON of pictures, like I normally would--mostly because my camera's battery was low the whole time, and I forgot the charger, but it probably worked out better. I got a few shots of most everything we did, and spent more time "enjoying" the moments, rather than "capturing" them.

We spent one afternoon, swimming in a pool that was fed by natural hot springs. That was a lot of fun!
The girls and their babies... Aaron's sister in law, Jess joined us with her baby girl, Kara, who is just a week younger than Claire (that will surely make for a very convenient play mate).

Gage LOVES swimming!

The last evening we were there, we packed up all the kiddos and loaded all their "stuff" in the back of Aaron's truck, complete with a grill, food, blankets, chairs-the whole works, and drove to a remote lake in the middle of a dessert to enjoy the simple beauty of this part of the world. The boys fished, and we had a great time! Idaho is the opposite of North Carolina in most ways, and although Josh and I are both self-proclaimed "city folk," we thoroughly enjoyed seeing the other side of the country and the beauty out there!

Gage and Daddy enjoying the view...

love at first sight!

Gage loves any excuse to be DIRTY!

The most beautiful "site"(Claire)!


Abby said...

Looks like you had so much fun! Gage is quite the trooper for making all those flights!

Theresa said...

Love the pics! Beautiful place to visit! The Evan and Rese have grown so much, and baby Claire is adorable!!

Karen said...

O my goodness, I want to eat those cheeks!
Rese & Evan are enormous; I can't believe how time flies.

Unknown said...

What a fantastic and truly memorable trip! So glad to hear Gage did so well on all the flights.