Well...Gage turned two in July. In some ways I cannot believe he is already two, and in other ways, I do not remember life before him. He was diagnosed with Childhood Apraxia of Speech in April, and we began speech therapy immediately and intensely...two 45 minute sessions weekly is about max treatment for his age/attention span. He has learned some sign language and that has lessened his frustration in being unable to communicate verbally. He says "Mama" constantly, but other than that, he uses only signs to communicate...and he screams at us A LOT. " It has been extremely frustrating and exhausting.
We were encouraged to put him in preschool by his speech therapist, trusting and hoping that the socialization with other children would be beneficial. I took him on Tuesday for his first day. He was excited about the "different" toys and other kids, and was happily playing when I sneaked out. However, they called me an hour later saying that he had been upset since he realized I was gone (5 seconds after I left), and they couldn't calm him down. I went there immediately and took him home. After school, I spoke with the director of the school and Gage's teacher and asked if I could stay with him at school for the first couple of weeks to see if I could get him comfortable. They agreed that may be the best approach, so today was MY first day of preschool (literally since I did not go as a child). He was a little clingy, but he interacted and played some with the children. I am still hopeful that this approach will work, although I am planning to attend preschool quite regularly at this point. They seemed to appreciate and need my help in there anyway!
I have so often heard people, who are "expecting," say "We just want a healthy baby...boy or girl...we don't care," and I said the same thing when I was pregnant. And after a terrifying pregnancy, scary delivery, several days in the NICU, and finally bringing our precious little 4lb 3oz Gage home, I felt like we had been given just that...a healthy baby. Two years later, after the frustration endured from having a child unable to communicate well, several months of speech therapy, an unsuccessful attempt at preschool, I still believe we have been given just that...a healthy baby. While I am exhausted and frustrated daily with this challenge, I am thankful that he can understand me and know that I love him, and I am thankful that he can laugh and run and dance... Each of us truly has so much for which to be thankful. Please never take for granted hearing your little one say "I love you." I eagerly...yet patiently await that day and know without a doubt that I will never forget that moment in time...
He is such a doll! Praying for this time of adjustment (for both of you!) to go smoothly and that you will get into this new groove soon!!
I hope things are going well with all of you!
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