Our newest family member . . .
Josh's youngest brother, JJ and sister in law, Amy had a baby boy on Sunday, October 29! His name is James Joseph. He was a full six weeks early, but weighed 5 lbs 6oz, and is still in the hospital but doing well! Isn't he precious? That leaves only Josh and me without children on either side of the family! Yikes! We now have six nephews and two nieces--every one as precious as can be! Can't wait to meet this little guy!
Hi sarah! It's Carissa "Widmer" Belford :) I was so excited that Alicia told me about your blog. It's good to see you. I'm glad to know where you are and what you're doing. You look great!!!
Hi, Sara! Didn't know you and Josh had gotten married - Congrats! What a small world. Good to see you blogging, tell JJ congrats from Midland.
I didn't know if you'd check my old blog post again, so I thought I'd respond to your comment here. Yup, it was Kathleen and not Esther on our yellowstone road trip. Esther was in the wedding but I don't think she was a part of our crazy journeyings. What a crazy ride, eh? Were you with us all the way from WI to WY?
Your hubby golfed with Matt, eh? I'll have to mention that to him tonight. So, you met your hubby at NBBC then? I don't remember him. Did he go to nbbc after 1999?
Give your laura grace a hug from us today! It's so funny to think that we're dealing with toddlers of the same age at the same time! We'll have to share stories and commiserate. :)
Hey there "Kelsey"!! Wow, welcome to the wonderful world of blogging to keep up to date with old friends, and roommates;) You look SOOOO GOOD!!!! I promise to write again soon, but I gots to start getting ready for Thanksgiving day stuff:) I hope your day is great...I can't wait to catch up!
Kelsey!!!! I'm so glad you found my blog :) When I read your comment, the first thing I remembered was Stephanie's wedding-- what a fun time we had :) Remember Felicity plopping in the middle of the clean laundry? Girl-- I hope we can keep in touch :)
Hey Sarah (and Josh)--You are in North Carolina? One state away from me? I didn't know you all were so close by! I am so glad to see you this way. I just found Karen's site, and I saw a link to your name. Wow! I am loving the Internet right now. It looks/sounds (reads?) like you are both doing well. I hope so. I miss you--still. :-) Love and prayers, Becky (Miss--just in case you forgot) Thompson (beckthom@charter.net)
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