Friday, June 29, 2007

Rough Day

I had a rough sleepless night, and the antibiotics they had been giving me made me severly nauseated. However, I am feeling much better now, they have changed the antibiotic, and the baby is maintaining a healthy heartbeat. Praise the Lord! God has blessed us in so many unbelievable ways with insurance issues (Josh changed jobs two weeks ago), baby expenses, and so much help from family and friends. We are feeling very blessed and resting in a much higher Power to bring us all through this safely.
As an added blessing, the hospital has wireless internet, which allows Josh to work from my room, and of course enables me to keep everyone easily updated.
I cannot thank you enough for your prayers. We know without a doubt that these coveted prayers are being heard and answered!


Karen said...

Ick, just what you need--to feel sick on top of everything.

SO glad the baby's doing well, though! Every day he stays in there makes him stronger! Still praying...

Unknown said...

Glad to hear your sickness is over with. Yucky!

What a blessing that Josh can be with you every day in the hospital and he can work at the same time!

Thank the Lord for His caring ear and working hand. He is so incredibly good and I'm sure when this is all over you'll look back and see His hand through all of this.

We're still praying over here too!

Matt & Nicki said...

Glad to hear the baby is doing well. . . ONE day at a time. My prayers are with you!!

Anonymous said...

I LOVE your blog, didn't know it existed. We have been praying and loving you throughout this whole thing...I just bugged your dad for new pixs....kiss the boy for me. Hope all is still well. Love you...hope to see you soon. Aunt Marlene