My mom is here, cleaning my house top to bottom, and preparing the nursery, that I didn't quite get a chance to finish. Today, she came running into my hospital room with my WEDDING RING!! I lost it about two weeks after we found out I was pregnant--around Christmas, and we had counted it as "loss," after many months of searching. She found it in that tiny plastic pocket on the back of our dryer. I cannot tell you how much that has lifted my spirits. Rings can be replaced, but my wedding ring was SO special to me, and I knew that regardless, I would always miss "that" ring!
Just another blessing on this trying road!
I just came back from having a thorough ultrasound, and I am currently hooked up to the baby heart monitor. The doctor will be in shortly to discuss the results. We do know that from the ultrasound, the "estimated" weight is 4lbs 1 oz--better than we expected! Keep praying!
Just another blessing on this trying road!
I just came back from having a thorough ultrasound, and I am currently hooked up to the baby heart monitor. The doctor will be in shortly to discuss the results. We do know that from the ultrasound, the "estimated" weight is 4lbs 1 oz--better than we expected! Keep praying!
HALLELUJAH on both counts! I know you were devastated by the loss of your ring. Great job, Sharon! If your mom's cleaning the back of the dryer, you can be assured that your place will be spic & span!
Oh my word! What a special blessing God gave you in leading your mom to find that ring! It had to be God that prompted her to clean and look there! What a timely reminder that God is good and He cares about you!!!
Excellent news about the 4 lb. weight. Keep us posted!
Sara, I have been out of town all week, and I just read your post. I feel horrible about not being there for you. Can I come see you? I really want to - I will leave Canon with my family and come up there. Please let me know what your current condition is.
You and Josh are in my prayers and my heart just cries out for you both right now. Praise the Lord He is in total control and is the Father of your miracle baby. Talk to you soon.
Sara- I am praying for you!
Love, Leah
We have been praying for you--keep the updates coming as much as possible. Tell Josh that if he asks hard enough they will give him an epidural too. Let me tell you what--it sure took the edge off while I was waiting for Ginger to have the twins.
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