Gage is up to a whopping 9lbs 2oz, and he is 21 inches long! Little Porker! Doctor says he is doing just perfectly, although it didn't seem to me that he did a very good job at "following" the little flashlight, when the doctor turned the lights off.... Let's hope that was just his Mommy's stubborness surfacing. He is supposed to "follow" it right?! Who knows? I think it irritated him. He is only in the tenth percentile, but of course we are not concerned with that, since he WAS eight weeks early.
He is still a perfect a sleeper and eater (as his weight confirms),
I do often find myself wondering "What did we DO before him?!" Every errand, every activity, and every second revolves around this little person, it seems. We must have been very boring people...
This weekend was Collard Festival here in Ayden... Yes, that's right COLLARD festival. We're just livin' in a good ol' country town. Josh and I took Laura Grace and Gage Friday night, where Josh and Laura Grace enjoyed some very questionable rides and danced on the dance floor (street) to live music. LG was SUCH a show-off, and we all had a great time!

So, were there any collards to eat at that festival? Looks like a good time! (Though I think LG is trying to steal your man's heart from you.) :)
I don't recall any flashlight test . . . is that something they do with preemies? I know they say (though I'm sure you know more about this than I) that preemies never really "catch up" developmentally until around 2.If the doc isn't concerned, I'm sure it's not a big deal.
Way to go Gage at packing on some pounds!
Wow, good for Gage! He's a cutie pie!
I think I actually see a TINY bit of chubby on those arms!! Hey -- I have a box to send to you, but need your address. Can you send it my way??? Thanks! I have got to get this stuff to you before he outgrows it all!
It looks like Gage is doing great! He'll be 20 lbs before you know it.
To answer your question, no my brothers don't have any kids yet. Derek is still the only one on both side.
Gage looks like he's doing so good! Praise God for his continuing blessings!
Gage is doing sooo great! YAY! He's adorable too (but I'm sure you already knew that!). God is SO good and His care of Gage!
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