Friday, April 11, 2008

Daddy's boy

Gage really did seem to be into the "ESPN" magazine... Dad was so proud!
And here is a picture of Gracie, giving Gage a ride on her sit n spin. While her silly face may seem to be that of a frustrated child, that is actually a "sweet" face. She was loving on him the whole time-she's very sweet to Gage (most of the time:), and for that, I am VERY thankful!


Kelly Glupker said...

Look at all of that hair! Your little boy is starting to look like a little man.

Leah (Parrish) Millan said...

Gage is getting so big! I'm just stopping by to say hi... Easter pictures were too cute. Don't you just love little boy clothes?

Stephanie (Wolynes) Steinbart said...

Gage is SO big! I can't believe how much he has grown! His hair cracks me up! Canon was bald until he was 2!

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