Monday, August 06, 2007

So relaxed...

Gage has a first love... his crib, a love for which we are very thankful! He is a great sleeper, and he is most comfortable in his very own bed, which is nice.

He has reached the 5 lb mark-still very tiny, but we are grateful he is gaining. He has had the "sniffles" for the past few days, so we are watching him closely, making sure he doesn't get a fever, etc... Hopefully, we can avoid a doctor's visit.

He and Laura Grace have become fast friends. She celebrated her second birthday last Friday, and we had a great time at her birthday party.

We spent this past weekend at the beach with them, and I enjoyed precious time both mornings cuddling with my little boy on the deck, oceanfront. There is surely nothing more peaceful than that.

This time in our lives is so priceless. I have been overwhelmed with such strong emotions, as I try to savor this time that I know will too soon be gone.


Karen said...

Laura Grace has such a striking little face! I remember well the emotions that continually wash over you in those first couple months. I'm feeling them again as my baby is about to turn 1 (sniff, sniff!). I'll be praying for Gage's sniffles today.

Anonymous said...

Sara, I just spent the week with Bonnie and she told me you had your baby. He is sooo cute!! Enjoy every goes by too quickly.
Jenni (Carron) Vander Wall

Unknown said...

What a beautiful photo of LG and Gage! So glad to hear Gage is a good sleeper for you. That makes the early months so much easier and enjoyable. Hope his sniffles go away soon!

Janelle said...

So right you are on the whole time issue. Seems like no matter how hard you try to savor the moment or try to make time go by slower it seems to just go faster. Sounds like you AND Gage are doing great! He sure is a cutie pie! You have some wonderful pictures! Keep enjoying every moment possible with your little angel baby!

Anonymous said...

Sara Dear, He is SO cute!!!! PTL for his continual improving health:)
Love ya girl! Dana

Abby said...

LOVE the picture of Gage with his hands above his head! He is so adorable and is looking really good! Praying that he is feeling better and that he's doing well!!!