God has continued to strengthen this little guy. Today, they let me "attempt" breastfeeding. I have been pumping, and they have been giving him my milk through the feeding tube, but they encouraged at least "trying." I was more than happy to do that, and he did pretty well, especially considering it was our first time. We will continue to feed twice a day, while he still gets the milk through his tube. Hopefully, we will get the hang of this soon, and they will be able to ween him off of the feeding tube completely.
Tonight, he weighed 4 lbs, 1 oz, so he is gaining weight now, which is also great news of course!
I have been spending most of my day time with Gage and my nights sleeping at home. Josh and I had some sweet time with him this evening. I fed him and cuddled him to sleep, and then Josh "filled him in" on all of the newest sports news, literally. Please pray for continued strength for all of us.
I have truly felt the power of prayer in these past two weeks, and I cannot stress to you all enough how much your encouraging words and prayers have meant to both of us. I plan to save them all for Gage's baby book, so he will know how loved he was right from the beginning!
Tonight, he weighed 4 lbs, 1 oz, so he is gaining weight now, which is also great news of course!
I have been spending most of my day time with Gage and my nights sleeping at home. Josh and I had some sweet time with him this evening. I fed him and cuddled him to sleep, and then Josh "filled him in" on all of the newest sports news, literally. Please pray for continued strength for all of us.
I have truly felt the power of prayer in these past two weeks, and I cannot stress to you all enough how much your encouraging words and prayers have meant to both of us. I plan to save them all for Gage's baby book, so he will know how loved he was right from the beginning!
Oh, Sara, Where do I even begin. Let me wipe away my tears first...
OK, Steph called me yesterday and said, "You haven't checked Kelsey's blog in awhile have you!?" So she brought me up to date with your last week! Oh wow! Sara, what unexpected event after another! Your spirit sounds so strong and encouraging. Your little Gage is so so sweet! How wonderful the Lord's hand to watch over him. I will write more later.
I love you and will be praying for you!
wow, what a tremendous blessing that you'll be able to try breastfeeding with Gage! I just assumed you'd have to bottle feed.
Yay for Gage's weight gain! We've been praying specifically for that. When do you think they'll let you take him home? After he gets the feeding down?
He's too precious for words!
I am happy to hear all is well. He is very precious! And I love him already! I am praying for you~ I love ya! Give little GAge a hug and kiss for me!
Erin, you are too sweet. Thank you for your continued prayers! Alicia, yes, they strongly encourage breastfeeding even more so with preemies, so I faithfully pumped, and that is the only food he has been given! Tonight, was our third "attempt" at breastfeeding and our first success!!! Yea! I will post more later. You are such a blessing to keep our little guy in your prayers--thank you!!
What a cutie pie! How precious that Daddy filled him in on the latest sports happenings. He did mention to him that the Tigers are the best - right?! Please give him an extra hug and kiss from his Auntie Trisha, Uncle Dave, and Chae who is anxiously waiting to meet her new cousin! We love you Gage!!
Fabulous news! Thanks for keeping us posted!
Hi Gage,
This is your cousin Preston. I am so excited to have a boy cousin! Please hurry up and get real big and strong so we can play together. I have a feeling we are going to be really good buds! I love you! P.S. My mommy and daddy said to tell you hi and have your mommy give you a kiss and hug from them. Bye!
This is to Baby Gage from his Aunt Tree...
Well, we've been waiting for you for a long time, little guy, and can't wait for you to get home safe and sound. I hate that I was out of town for your grand entrance to the world, but I WAS wide awake all night awaiting news of your arrival (so that must account for SOME "auntie" points!)! Xander and Cade are so VERY excited that they have a new little cousin to play with and will probably cover you in many unwanted kisses. Just bear with thim, sweetie, I'll try to monitor the showering of "love." Anyway, I look forward to the many years of memories we will be making and the fun you will have with my boys. Just always remember that your Aunt Tree loves you with all of her heart! (Uncle Shane does too, but I'm the one who will spoil you!:)
Sara, what wonderful news that little Gage is gaining weight!!! I have been just totally in awe of how powerful our wonderful God is in caring for this tiny little angel. I know we aren't supposed to be surprised at how miraculous God works, but it's been so evident and in so many areas. It just blesses my heart to hear all the wonderful things He's doing for you and your sweet little family!
I think that is a wonderful picture and it truly does put into somewhat of a perspective of how so tiny he really is! Again, thank you for your faithful updates and answers to prayer! We're still praying that he gains even more weight and that the nursing continues to go well!
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