Thursday, July 05, 2007

Great News!

I met with Gage's doctor this morning, and he decided that Gage was ready to be taken off his breathing "help" completely! He had been mostly breathing on his own, but he still had horrible wires taped to his little face and tubes on his nose, so I was VERY happy to hear this. The doctor also decided he was ready to eat, so after they successfully took him off of the oxygen help (he actually started breathing better and more easily when they took him off), he had his first feeding at 3pm. He did very well with that as well, and if this continues, the next step will be to take the feeding tube out and let ME feed him. This is our biggest prayer request at the moment. Obviously, he can't go home until he is eating well without a feeding tube, so this is our primary concern. He has progressed much more quickly than the doctors had anticipated. This is truly a blessing! Thank you, thank you, thank you for your prayers!!


Anonymous said...

that is great news. hopefully he is like my little guy--he LOVES to eat. i don't know josh's family- but i really see the kelsey in gage. i really like his name too, where did you get it? we're praying you get to go home a.s.a.p.
:) Belle

Unknown said...

Awesome news! We'll keep praying for his feeding to go smoothly. Are you going to have to do formula in one of those teeny tiny bottles? When's the soonest you could go home? Is it all dependent on the feeding? That's just amazing that feeding is Gage's only remaining hurdle! God has certainly shown Himself strong and powerful in Gage's body!

Kim and Jon Kelsey said...

What good news! Great job Gage! We are so proud of you! We love you and are so glad you are doing better and better each day.

Trisha said...

That a boy, Gage! We are praying every day for you to be strong so you can go home with Mommy and Daddy (and so we can come see you!). Chae prays for you at every meal and if she forgets we stop right away and pray again :) She can't wait to meet you. We love you all.

Karen said...

Wonderful news, Sara! I'm amazed at his progress. What a fighter. Keep up the great work, little buddy!

Janelle said...

What an amazing fighter for sure! God has worked miracle upon miracle for you guys! Praise the Lord! What a happy moment that will be when you will be able to feed him yourself!!! God has a special plan for this little guy! We're still praying! Thank you so much for the frequent updates! It really helps us to pray more specifically!

Katie said...

Gage is so precious and, you're right, perfect! I'm so glad to hear continued good news and hope that you'll get to feed him yourself soon. We're praying for you all!

Anonymous said...

Wow, I had not visited your blog in a while. I see a lot has happened. Yes, praise God for his hand in all this.
And congratulations!