Wednesday, July 04, 2007

Holding hands...

This may help you better "picture" his size. He really is so tiny, but most of his pictures make him appear bigger. At first, I could only put my hands in the incubator, so we would just hold hands...


Ben Layer said...

Sarah, Gage is gorgeous and we're praising God with you guys!! Of course, you'll all still be in our prayers. Love, Sarah and Ben L.

Trisha said...

Sara I just LOVE the pics you've posted. SO PRECIOUS! His first kiss, holding hands, Gage and them all! That you were able to hold him for a couple hours and pray over him and sing to him is just priceless. We love you all so much and can't wait to meet the little guy. We are praying for you, Josh, and Gage. Please give him love from his family in the great state of MICHIGAN!