Sunday, July 08, 2007

Our little trooper

This little guy has amazed us every step of the way! Gage is now on the project of "maintaining" his own body temperature, and he did great with that all day. We even got to put clothes on him today! Tomorrow, he will have reached his "goal" in feedings (34 cc), which means his stomach is handling the food fine and we can concentrate more on method (feeding by mouth).

He continues to gain weight--he was 4lbs 3oz last night, and he has surpassed any doctor's expectations. We are so proud of him, and we are anxiously awaiting the day they tell us he can come home. The doctor estimated that he could come home in as early as 3-4 days!! Please pray that we do not hit any obstacles on this final home stretch!


Leah (Parrish) Millan said...

It blesses my heart to read about Gage's progress! Praise the Lord! I love that head full of blond hair :) Still praying...

Karen said...

O my goodness, THIS WEEK! I will pray fervently to that end.

Kim and Jon Kelsey said...

He is soooo cute! Oh my! I am so excited that he might come that early! Can't wait to get my hands on him! Love you Gage.

Anonymous said...

Way to go baby Gage! You are definitley a trooper. Uncle Dave, Chae, and I just wan't wait to meet you. We love you buddy!

Stephanie (Wolynes) Steinbart said...

I am so excited for you all! I had thought it would be weeks until sweet Gage could come home. This little baby just amazes me more and more. And, Sara, he is SO cute! His little face reminds me so much of Canon's. I will be praying that he will be home by the end of the week! Go Gage!

Kelli said...

That is awesome that Gage is doing so well. Praise the Lord for that! He is adorable!

Kelli said...
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Anonymous said...

I am so excited to hear that he is doing so well! And he is so adorable!!! I can't wait to meet him! I am praying for all of you!

Unknown said...

AWESOME AWESOME NEWS!!!! Yay, Gage! We'll be praying things continue to go well this week so you can take your little guy home. Wow, it's obvious that the Lord is in this!

Erin Neiner said...

You must be so thrilled & ready to get that doll baby home!!! Praise the Lord for the wonderful care of ICU these days! I will especially be praying for his feedings...drew had a hard time nursing & I remember all that went into that! He seems like a fighter already so he's probably more than ready!! :) He sure is a smarty pants, getting that thumb in his mouth!! Thanks for taking the time to keep us posted. I would LOVE to see a pic of Gage with his mommy!!!

Joe Nunamaker said...

Sara and Josh you really do have a little trooper! I remember like yesterday when Preston was born. Between God and the great care they can give these little guys it is absolutely amazing how well they do. We are so happy he is making amazing progress! Nothing like a little gift like this eh Josh? It just truly awes and astounds doesn't it? You will be a great father, and Sara a great mother. God bless all (3) of you!

Matt & Nicki said...

He is so sweet! It's been neat to hear about how well he is doing. Thanks for keeping us all posted. We will pray with you that Gage is able to go home this week.

Anonymous said...

Hey Sara! I have been gone for the last 9 days, so I haven't been able to get online, but Trisha kept me in the know. CONGRATULATIONS! He is so cute and just perfect! We have been praying for all of you, and we continue to do so. The girls can't wait to hold him.....they love playing mommy! Take care of yourself, and give that little guy a kiss for me. Margee

Anonymous said...

Hey my sweet Kelsey, I'm SO sorry I wasn't checking your blog more faithfully to keep updated...I will be praying for Gage! Congrats on the little man, he's SO adoarble girl!! He's gonna break hearts I think;) I will be watching more often now for updates.
Prayers and Love, Dana